About COM 2025 Meets LightMAT 2025

Gain valuable knowledge and professional development hours by attending this conference.

Julie Lévesque, Eng., Ph.D,
Group leader, metal forming and assembly
Québec Metallurgy Center, Canada

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Axel von Hehl
Head of Chair of Materials Science and Testing
University of Siegen, Germany

Chairs, COM 2025

A message from the Chairs of COM & LightMAT 2025

COM 2025 Meets LightMAT 2025, hosted by Metsoc of CIM and DGM

For this special event, the Conference of Metallurgy and Materials (COM) and the International Conference on Light Materials (LightMAT) will meet in Montréal to offer a physical metallurgy and materials focused conference. Many interesting symposia will be organized:

  • innovations in manufacturing,
  • alloy development and characterization: structural and functional materials,
  • joining and multi-material design,
  • materials for clean energy transition – hydrogen, magnets and batteries,
  • computational materials design and engineering,
  • materials and processes for closed-loop circularity in transportation,
  • sustainable metal supply: mining, processing and recycling.

Additionally, the conference will offer plenaries, keynote talks and social events that are sure to please and offer great opportunities to learn and network.

The conference will be held at Le Centre Sheraton located in downtown Montréal, close to famous restaurants, shopping and entertainment.

We hope you will enjoy the conference has much as we are enjoying organizing it for you. We are looking forward to meeting you in Montréal, Québec, Canada, from July 710, 2025.

Yours sincerely,

Organizing Committee

Étienne Martin

Technical chair
Polytechnique Montreal

Mihriban Pekguleruyz

Sponsorship chair
McGill University

Sumanth Shankar

Publicity chair
McMaster University

Sidney Omelon

Student activities chair
McGill University

Symposium Chairs

Metallurgy Symposium Chairs

Mohsen Mohammadi, University of New Brunswick
Alec Davis, University of Manchester
Mousa Javidani, UQAC
Ida Westermann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Elliot Biro, University of Waterloo
Hajo Dieringa, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Youliang He, CANMET-Mat

Materials Symposium Chairs

Saeed Tamimi, University of Strathclyde, UK
Cliff Butcher, University of Waterloo
Alexander Hartmaier, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Irmgard Weißensteiner, Montanuniversität Leoben
Lei Ray Pan, Rio Tinto Alcan
Alessandro Navarra, McGill University
Pasquale Cavaliere, University of Salento

Show Management

Brigitte Farah, Managing Director
Victoria Di Woo, Digital Design Specialist & Administration
Janice Burke, Editorial Coordinator